Shoulder Pain Treatment: Biomagnetism Therapy and Alternative Treatments


Shoulder pain is basically the discomfort caused or pain in the shoulder joint area. Its causes mostly include muscle strain, injuries, etc. Daily habits such as bad posture, etc, can also cause this painful condition. However, this issue needs to be addressed at the right time, or it can become chronic.

There are many traditional shoulder pain treatment options, which include medications, exercises, etc. Well, there is only one small hiccup, these traditional methods do have certain side effects. Alternative treatments, with their gentle nature can fight those symptoms off and make medicine more efficient.
So first let's go through the causes of shoulder pain. Then, we can discuss how traditional treatments and alternative treatments can treat them.

Shoulder Pain: What can cause it?

There are various factors that can lead to shoulder pain. Here they are- 
  • Maintaining improper posture for a prolonged period can strain your shoulder muscles and ligaments causing pain.
  • Repetitive movements of the shoulder and arms can cause injuries leading to shoulder pain.
  • Muscle tension caused by stress can tighten your shoulder muscles, causing discomfort and pain.
  • Ailments such as frozen shoulder, arthritis, tendonitis, etc, can stiffen your shoulder muscles resulting in shoulder pain.
  • A rotator cuff injury can cause shoulder pain in some people. The rotator cuffs are a group of muscles around your joint.
  • Shoulder dislocation or joint dislocation can cause intense shoulder pain.
  • Neves getting compressed can disbalance pH balance. So the pain radiates to your shoulder and arms.
In traditional methods, there are several shoulder pain treatment options. So, let's learn about these traditional shoulder pain treatment procedures along with the alternative ones.

Traditional Treatments For Shoulder Pain

The traditional shoulder pain treatment options include ample rest, pain relievers, etc.  Experts prescribe over-the-counter pain relievers such as ibuprofen to provide some relief from shoulder pain discomfort. Tropical creams, hot compresses, etc, are also used to relax the shoulder muscles. In severe cases, steroid injections can be used to reduce inflammation.

Well wondering what's the downside? Most of these treatments, especially medication and injections, do come with their fair share of side-effects. Alternative Methods can help reduce these side-effects while enhancing the functioning of the medications.

Let's start discussing alternative treatments with this new magnet-based alternative therapy in the market.

Biomagnetism therapy for shoulder pain

Biomagnetism Therapy uses magnets to diagnose and heal various ailments in the human body. In recent years, it has been recognized as a promising approach to treating shoulder pain.

Shoulder pain mostly happens due to imbalances in your musculoskeletal system. It results in inflammation and restricted blood circulation. The magnets of Biomagnetism Therapy create a magnetic field of its own. This interacts with the imbalanced magnetic field of the body. As a result, the body’s magnetic field gets balanced.

Wondering what happens after that? With a better magnetic field, your blood flow improves providing enough oxygen to your stiff muscles. This brings down inflammation and reduces pain. This therapy also releases more natural pain-relieving hormones into the body. 

This therapy also balances the pH level of the body. The stiff shoulder muscles and pain can take the pH level above 7( the average human Ph). So, your body becomes acidic, making you prone to infections. The therapy balances the Ph, neutralizes the body, and kills infectious pathogens.

The best part about Biomagnetism? This therapy is completely non-invasive and pain-free. It will also increase the efficacy of shoulder pain medications.

However, you do have more alternative shoulder pain treatment options, too. Read on to learn about them.

Alternative Treatment Methods For Shoulder Pain

There are several more alternative treatment options to choose from for your shoulder pain treatment-


This mind and body technique involves various stretches and poses. Yoga exercises can stretch your muscles out, removing stiffness. Regular Yoga practice can dramatically reduce inflammation and pain in those with shoulder issues. The Yoga routine needs to be tailored according to the needs of your body specifically.  


Herbs such as milk thistle, turmeric, etc, are known for their anti-inflammatory properties. Consuming these herbs can help you improve your immunity and heal your stiff shoulder muscles. These herbs will target the inflamed areas of your shoulder joint removing discomfort and pain. You can find an herbalist to get your hands on these herbs.

Be careful not to use alternative shoulder pain treatment options as your sole method to heal from this condition. Couple it up with traditional medications and therapies.

Precautionary Measures You Have To Take

The first and most important precaution that you must take is to consult a healthcare expert. They can choose the right alternative treatment for you based on medical knowledge.  

Biomagnetism Therapy, in general, is very gentle. However, the magnet in this therapy might harm those with pacemakers and pregnant women, due to the fragile condition of their body.

Yoga is not done properly and can easily cause injury in those who are suffering from shoulder pain already. So do find an experienced Yoga instructor who can help you build a Yoga routine. Herbs in general, though helpful, might trigger allergic reactions in some people.

Being aware of these limitations and precautionary measures will help you make the right decision for your body.

FAQs About Alternative treatments for shoulder pain

Q1: Can alternative treatments help shoulder pain treatment?

Treatment methods can speed up the process of recovery from shoulder pain. Alternative methods such as Biomagnetism Therapy, Yoga, etc, can help medicines work better to reduce shoulder inflammation.

Q2: Is Biomagnetism Therapy safe for shoulder pain treatment?

Biomagnetism Therapy is a safe alternative method to treat shoulder pain. However, only people with pacemakers and pregnant women should avoid this therapy. The magnets used in this therapy might not be safe for them.

Q3: Can Yoga actually treat shoulder pain efficiently? 

The gentle adjustments and poses in Yoga can relax the stiff muscles on your shoulders. However, the Yoga routine needs to be adjusted to your individual needs for it to work properly.

Dr. Garcia, a prominent figure in the field of biomagnetism, boasts 14 years of extensive experience. His life's mission revolves around bringing biomagnetism therapy to the masses, and to achieve this; he conducts training sessions across the USA. 

Furthermore, he offers online training programs to make biomagnetism accessible to a wider audience, and hundreds of his students are actively practicing biomagnetism therapy.

Wrapping it up!

So, are you ready to free yourself from the agony of shoulder pain? Well, all you have to do is consult a health professional and combine traditional treatments with alternative shoulder pain treatment options. It's only a matter of time before you feel the difference in your body.

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